privacy & policy

Privacy policy

Welcome to Vagdevi Astro Solutions Privacy Policy which may be Updated or Amended from Time to Time for All Kind of Users or Astrologers Visiting the Platform. The Web-Site / App does not Commit in any Manner whatsoever for the Accuracy of the Predictions made by the Astrologers to any User. Vagdevi Astro web-Site / App does not take any Guarantee / Responsibility Regarding the Reliability or Reality of the Gems or Other Related Items Represented and Sold on the Web-Site / App and No Waranty on Such Service is Provided by the Web-Site / App in any Manner

This Privacy Policy describes the Policies and Procedures on the Collection, Use and Disclosure of users information when the Service is Used and Tells about the Privacy Rights Vagdevi Astro Guarantees Confidentiality of the Members Identity, Birth Details as much as Possible Under Legal Regulatory and Security Environment


Vagdevi Astro do not Collect any Payments on Web-Sites / Apps and is Collected and Processed in a Secured Manner by Third Party Payment Gateways Users can send a Request to Customer Care to to delete His / Her Account.

Other Web-Links

Vagdevi Astro may Contain Links to Other Web-Sites and is not responsible for the Privacy Practices Followed by Other such Web-Sites

Our Afflicates

To Prevent Fraudulent Activity against Vagdevi Astro and Users who have Accounts on Multiple Services, Offered by Corporate Group. Vagdevi Astro may Disclose Information Collected by Users to Company’s Affiliates But the Data Collected will not be Disclosed to any Affiliate for their Direct Marketing Purposes without User’s Consent

Thirdy Party Service Provider

  • Vagdevi Astro will disclose the information Collected about the Users to Third Party Service Providers and other Partners who perform Services on behalf of Vagdevi Astro in Connection with any of the PlatformsThe Services Provided by such Third Parties and Partners include Services in the Following Categories:
  • Processing Payments on behalf of Vagdevi Astro
  • Helping Company to Provide Products or Services that User requests
  • Authenticates Identies on behalf of Vagdevi Astro
  • Helps Vagdevi Astro to Create and Maintain it’s Data Bases
  • Helps Vagdevi Astro to Research or Analyze the People who Use or Testing the Platform